It's September 29th - The Last Ship previews begin on Broadway!

September 29, 2014

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Which performance are you going to?

posted by KathleenLL
Sting:Joining the cast.
The minute I heard the Main Man was joining the cast I knew what the Xmas present for all the grand-kids was going to be----and, I can't believe it, I was able to get tickets. We can hardly wait. But as a person impressed not only by Sting's ability to hold an audience, I am so sad that we couldn't first applaud the sensitivity, artistry and humanity of the man who not only broke his own writer's block, but gathered friends and fellow residents of his home town to help him with the literary aspect of the show. I believe it will go down in history as a ground-breaking new genre for musical theatre called.....reality musical theatre. Thanks for such a wonderful inspirational work of art, especially for all those who are aware of what the show is all about. A gray lady.
posted by kitty4
I was there on 9/29/14-what a fabulous experience--The play was great-many new songs and very funny and very moving as well!! I saw Sting in his handsome suit going into the stage door and he waved to me and then afterwards, i was sitting by Trudie and he walked out-hugged her and then starting autographing programs and taking pictures with fans-so nice and down to earth -a real professional and i was blown away -he should be so proud of his accomplishments!!
posted by KathleenLL
I was there:9/29/14
Never to be forgotten experience. I haven't heard the glory of a strong male chorus (in a professional sense, rather than amateur--(I know they're out there to be found and just as good) but the ("I have a job as a male singer) seems to have been put on the lower shelf since?????---maybe the latter half of the last century? Anyway, as an older than dirt female, I was thrilled, Each of the songs that used the full cast ensemble brought cheers and applause beyond anything I've ever heard during a show.
posted by PRESCOTT06
saturday 4th of october . can`t wait !!!
posted by cheryl
What is up with Oct. 26th? Any word?
posted by tammiandjim
I have tickets for Saturday Oct. 25! Can't wait to see the show.
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Sep 24, 2014
We're very excited to share the news that Sting will be the featured guest on an upcoming episode of "Inside The Actors Studio." The program will tape in NYC on Sunday, October 5, and we would love to see some of our fan club members in the audience!
Sep 24, 2014

We're very excited to share the news that Sting will be the featured guest on an upcoming episode of "Inside The Actors Studio." The program will tape in NYC on Sunday, October 5, and we would love to see some of our fan club members in the audience!